When You Don't Want to Settle a Personal Injury Claim Right Away

There are instances when settlements come about with personal injury claims. They're used to avoid court—and sometimes that's a good thing. There are also instances when you don't want to settle your personal injury claim. Here are some instances where this may be applicable.

The Settlement Amount Isn't Realistic

When a settlement is brought up in a personal injury case, the amount the defendant is looking to give may not be realistic. It may be highly undervalued according to what your personal injury attorney says. In this case, you don't want to settle because you won't be able to recover financially like you need to.

The unrealistic compensation may cover some things, but you may have expenses left over that cause you stress. When an unrealistic settlement offer is presented, let a personal injury attorney negotiate for a better compensation that is fair based on how you were hurt. 

You Want Absolute Justice

Taking someone to court over a personal injury situation may not be just about getting compensation to move on financially. It may also be about getting justice. This often happens in severe personal injury cases, whether it was a product that had a defect or maybe a property owner really ignored their building's pavement conditions.

If it's not all about compensation and absolute justice is what you're looking for, then settling may not be the best option. Instead, you probably should hire a personal injury lawyer so that you and them can go to court to ensure the defendant is held accountable fully for what they did.

You're Dealing with a Repeat Offender

Some defendants have been in this situation before—they've caused harm to a victim just like yourself. If your personal injury case involves this type of defendant, then it may be smarter to avoid settlement and go directly to trial. You can then ensure they face punishment that makes it more likely that they won't keep repeating the same mistakes. They'll have to really adjust or else they may end up in jail. They may end up there anyway if they have repeatedly caused personal injury cases like yours.

Settlement is sometimes an option in personal injury cases and if it's brought up with your case, you want to think about its ramifications. If any of the aforementioned situations are relevant, then forgoing settlement and going to trial may be the best response you can take. Learn more about handling your case by contacting services like the Law Office of Robert Karwin.
