Innocent Social Media Posts Can Damage Your Auto Accident Case

If you are an avid social media user, you likely make posts regularly about everything that happens to you every day. You might even want to make a social media post about an auto accident you were involved in. However, this can easily backfire when the posts you make are used against you when filing a claim.

Your Posts Won't Be Ignored

Social media is one place where a defense attorney may look to find evidence. If you do not have to use social media, it is best to lock down your account until your case has been resolved. Also, make sure to ask friends and family members to not discuss your case.

Innocent Social Media Posts

After an accident, you may want to reassure friends and family members that you're fine. It's best to do this by making a phone call. Claiming that you're fine can be interpreted as evidence that you are not actually injured.

It's possible that you might be injured but still feel well enough to go on a vacation. However, the vacation photos can easily be used by an insurance provider to make the argument that you must not be injured since you are now on vacation. The photos would simply not create the right impression for a jury if your case were to go to trial.

Libelous Claims

During a lawsuit, you may make claims that you will try to back up with evidence. However, these claims can be considered libel if they are made on social media and you don't have sufficient evidence to back them up. This is true even after your case has been resolved.

Deleting Your Posts Might Not Be Enough

With the technology available, posts that are deleted can be recovered. Therefore, it makes more sense to not make a social media post in the first place if it involves your case. If you can avoid using social media altogether, this is even better.

An auto accident attorney can look over any posts you must make to verify that they will not affect your case. In some situations, such as if you manage a social media account for a professional reason, you may be unable to delete your social media. However, you'll want to be careful about everything you post until your case has been resolved. While you're focused on your recovery, your attorney will focus on getting you the compensation you deserve. For more information, contact an auto accident attorney.
