Home Selling Scenarios: 3 Times In Which You Will Need To Hire A Real Estate Lawyer

While many states do not require you by law to hire a real estate lawyer to represent you when selling your home, this does not mean that you should choose to skip retaining legal counsel. There are several home selling scenarios in which having a real estate lawyer on your side can make a world of difference. Continue reading below to learn more about three of these scenarios in which you want to hire a real estate attorney.

Scenario #1: Selling Your Home As Part Of A Divorce Settlement

Property ownership can easily become quite complicated when a home is owned by a couple who has decided to get a divorce. Whether your divorce has been finalized or is still in progress, all of your property ownership documents must be in order if you wish to sell your home as part of the divorce settlement. It is also important to ensure that the best interest of both parties with an ownership stake in the property is protected during the selling process. Accomplishing these goals can be difficult when working solely with a real estate agent. That is why in this scenario it is so important for you to seek out the services of a real estate lawyer. 

Scenario #2: Selling Your Home To Avoid Foreclosure

The idea of losing your home as the result of financial difficulties is never a pleasant one. Unfortunately, this situation is a reality for a lot of people every year. If you are facing financial difficulties which are forcing you to sell your home, you may think that spending money on a real estate lawyer is the last thing you need to do. However, the fact is that seeking legal representation in this situation can make a world of difference. This is because, in some cases, a real estate attorney can help you to reach an agreement with your mortgage lender to avoid formal foreclosure proceedings. If a foreclosure cannot be avoided, this attorney will also be able to help you execute a short sale to ensure your mortgage loan is satisfied and you can avoid the long-term effects that defaulting on this loan can have. 

Scenario #3: Selling Your Home With Existing Liens Or Title Issues

Before finalizing the purchase of your home, a buyer will have a title search performed on the property. If there are any existing liens or other issues with the property deed, these issues will be discovered as the result of a title search and could send a potential buyer running for the hills. If there are title issues associated with your property, working with a real estate lawyer can help you to resolve these issues so that the sale of your property can go through without any problems.  

For more info, contact a local real estate attorney
