Common Auto Accident Assumptions Victims Should Avoid

Auto accidents can be some of the more common incidents that individuals may experience that could result in costly property damage and injuries. If you have encountered this type of incident, being informed about your options can be essential in responding to these instances.

Assumption: You Will Have To File A Lawsuit Very Soon After The Accident

While it is important to take prompt legal action when it is necessary, individuals should be mindful of the fact that they may have more time than they anticipated when it comes to this option. In particular, your state will have a statute of limitations that will govern the amount of time that you have to file a lawsuit. In many cases, this period can be somewhat lengthy. This can allow victims to fully assess the damages that were suffered and consider their legal options.

Assumption: It Is Not Worth Pursuing A Mild Auto Accident

Individuals may be under the belief that it is only worth pursuing legal action when the accident was especially severe. In reality, individuals can suffer extensive financial losses even when the auto accident may be seemingly mild or minor. For example, any medical treatments that are needed can dramatically increase the losses that were suffered. Additionally, individuals could face major repair costs and even missed wages. As a result, it is likely that a mild auto accident can quickly become extremely expensive for the victim.

Assumption: It Will Be Costly To Hire An Attorney To Represent You In Your Auto Accident Case

Hiring an attorney to represent you in legal proceedings can be instrumental in allowing you to effectively navigate the process that will have to be followed. For example, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement with the defendant in the case or their insurance. However, it may also be necessary to pursue a lawsuit against the driver of the vehicle or their insurance. This can be especially common in serious accidents since the insurance may be resistant to paying for the full value of damages that were suffered, or these damages may exceed the policy limits. Hiring an auto accident attorney can allow you to have professional representation throughout this process so that your rights can be effectively protected. Luckily, it is a common practice for auto accident attorneys to only require payment if they are able to get compensation for their clients, and this can make them an affordable service for those that may be facing financial hardships due to the costs of the accident.
